
Saint Malo by Genkkis
FR : On continue avec les Saints Bretons (avec Erwan Chartier à la plume).
Ici Saint-Malo, il donnera son nom à la célèbre ville Bretonne. Dans ce dessin il y arrive justement. La cité est typiquement gallo-romaine, la météo typiquement bretonne. On aperçoit l'ermitage de son mentir sur les rochers derrière lui.
Avec l'aimable autorisation de l'hebdo "Le Poher"

UK : Saints of Brittany, written by Erwan Chartier :
Let me introduce Saint-Malo. He gave his name to the famous city of Britanny. In this drawing he's arriving in this city. It's a typically roman city, and a typically weather here, in Brittany.
His mentor lives in the small house on the rocks, behind him.
See you soon with a new one

UK : Saints of Brittany, written by Erwan Chartier :
Let me introduce Saint-Malo. He gave his name to the famous city of Britanny." data-share-imageurl="">