Saint Salomon

saint salomon by genkkis
FR : On continue avec les Saints Bretons (avec Erwan Chartier à la plume).
Ici Saint-Salomon, un grand Roi qui connu une fin tragique. Il avait renoncé au trône au profit de son fils mais ça ne suffisait pas à ses rivaux qui les tuèrent tous les deux.
Avec l'aimable autorisation de l'hebdo "Le Poher"

UK : Saints of Brittany, written by Erwan Chartier :
Let me introduce Saint-Salomon, he was a famous king but he had a bad ending. He left the throne for his son but it's wasn't enough for his rivals who killed them both. See you soon with a new one

UK : Saints of Brittany, written by Erwan Chartier :
Let me introduce Saint-Salomon, he was a famous king but he had a bad ending. He left the throne for his son but it's wasn't enough for his rivals who killed them both." data-share-imageurl="">